At Anytime Mailbox, we understand that every business has its unique style and preferences. That's why we offer the flexibility to customize how you display your address on our platform. You can choose to add a '#' or 'Suite' before your virtual box number or even add it at the end of your current address. It's entirely up to you!
To format your Business Address follow these steps:
Log in to your Dashboard and click Admin.
Select Profile from the side menu.
Click Location and ensure all address components are entered correctly.
Arrange the address components in the desired order in the text box titled Customer Address Format. Be sure to enter any symbols, such as "#," here.
Review the example address in the text box titled Customer Address Preview.
Click Update.
Make sure to review the Customer Address Preview carefully, as it shows exactly how the address will appear for your digital mailbox customer. This will help ensure that your customer receives their mail at the correct address format.