We wanted to provide some information regarding circumstances that may lead to a customer's account being closed.
In some cases, a customer may choose to cancel their mailbox, which would result in the closure of their account. Additionally, if a customer fails to pay their invoice, their account may also be closed.
To delete a Customer, follow these steps:
Log in to your Dashboard, and click Customers.
Select the Customer's name.
Under the Details tab, click Close Account, a pop-up box for Account Closure will appear.
In Closure Timing you can select:
In the Future - the system will default to the paid-through date, or enter a Closure Date
Final Collection:
Attempt to collect the open balance and ancillary charges at closure (specified above)
Do not charge the Renter
Upon Closure:
Always Delete a Renter (Recommended)
Do not Delete a Renter
Closure Reason - We recommended you always choose one from the drop-down menu. If you select Other, you must specify why the account is being closed.
Click the Close Account button to finish closing the mailbox account.
It is important to send a notice to the customer before closing the account, so they are informed and any issues/disputes can be avoided.
Please copy service@anytimemailbox.com into the email sent to the customer.