How Anytime Mailbox Charges You
Active Mailboxes Fee - (charged per mailbox depending on how the customer was sourced)
$6.50 per ATMB Sourced Active Mailbox
$4.00 per Operator Direct sourced Active Mailbox
Monthly Software Subscription Fee
$24.99 - 20-60 active mailboxes
$44.99 - 61 - 150 active mailboxes
$64.99 - 151 or more active mailboxes
Why do we charge the Monthly Software Subscription fee? - So we can provide more of an exceptional level of marketing promotion, operations support, and software innovation that generates recurring revenue for you every month!
Management Fee - (billing & management fee)
This fee is 5% of the total collections taken from the customers during the month
Some key points to remember:
Your customers will receive an invoice with your branding
We handle the entire collection process
We will also handle delinquent customers & any disputes from your customers
We send you all collected funds minus our 5% management fee.