The Anytime Mailbox Mail Center App offers a secure and convenient method for uploading mail images for your customers, streamlining the process of assigning mail items. We highly recommend utilizing the app for a hassle-free experience.
Download the app from the Play Store or App Store by searching for "Anytime Mailbox Mail Center" and selecting the one with the orange and white logo.
Let's go through the features of the Mail Center App:
Mail Center App Login Page
If you ever need help with other features or have questions, click on the question mark icon in the app.
You'll find options such as downloading the Anytime Mailbox Customer App, learning how to offer digital mail, and reviewing our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Additionally, you can reset your password and clear your cache, which can help troubleshoot issues and improve app performance.
Home Tab
It showcases both your logo and Mail Center address, providing a personalized touch to enhance your brand recognition.
Mailroom Tab
Assign on Upload - When enabled, prompts you to assign uploaded mail images to the selected mailbox account right away. Otherwise, you will need to assign them later in the dashboard.
Upload Mail - this option allows you to start capturing mail item images.
Pending Assignment Tab
When 'Assign on Upload' is disabled, you can still take photos and upload images of the mail items using the mobile app. These images will be directed to the 'Pending Assignment' tab, awaiting assignment.
Recent Assignment Tab
After successfully uploading a mail item, you can view it in the Recent Assignment tab. The Recent Assignments tab displays assigned mail uploads that is currently "New" for the last 7 days.
Activity Tab
This is where you can view recently uploaded mail items.
If the mail item was uploaded successfully, you will see a green checkmark.
If the mail item was NOT uploaded successfully, you will see an error message - If you see this, the mail item was NOT uploaded and you will need to repeat the steps again to ensure the mail is uploaded and assigned.
Settings Tab
Enable Image Manipulation - if enabled this feature will give you the option to crop images after every capture and set Mail Metadata before upload.
Discard after Upload - after images have been successfully uploaded, they will be discarded in your device gallery.
Show In-App Notifications - this feature will notify you when actions had been completed inside the app.